Saturday, 13 May 2017

How'd you get that scratch?


SILVER: Sooo, pop? What are you going to tell people?
ME:        You mean when they ask how I got this scratch on my face?
SILVER: Yeah. I mean if it comes up.
ME:        I’m going to “tell” people that I was walking along the street when I saw some nasty no-goodnicks robbing a nun.
SILVER: Do nuns carry money?
ME:        Robbing a lawyer who used to be a nun.
SILVER: Oooo. Creative!
ME:        I yelled “Stop in the name of all things right and holy!”, at which point they ran off. And I ran off after them.
SILVER: Aren’t people going to get suspicious when you of all people say you ran anywhere?
ME:        Aren’t you gonna shut up?
SILVER: Sorry. Continue.
ME:        Thank you. Anyway, I cornered them in a dark alley. It was at this point that I subdued them and held them for the police. But not before one of them flashed a switchblade….
SILVER: … and gave you that scar, or rather scratch, on your face.
ME:        Exactly!
SILVER: Very nice. So…. You’re not going to tell them the truth?
ME:        You mean that it was really from you when I was trying to hold you still while the vet tech tried to trim your nails? No, I think I’ll take that to the grave.
SILVER: My hero!

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