Saturday, 26 August 2017

Never going outside again

SILVER: Pop? What happened? I thought we were going to the dog park?
ME:        Yeah, we’re just going to sit here for a few minutes.
SILVER: What happened?
ME:        Nothing. Nothing. What do you mean?
SILVER: Well we were halfway across the parking lot when you suddenly stopped and sprinted back inside.
Me:        Oh that? Well…
SILVER: I mean sprint for you. A slightly elevated gait for anybody else.
ME:        Silver, I just forgot something that I had to go back inside for.
SILVER: Forgot, eh? I wonder what you forgot. Would it be my leash? No, I was on that.
ME:        No, not your leash.
SILVER: The keys? No, they were in your other hand.
ME:        Could you just …
SILVER: Hmmm… I got it! You forgot to put on pants and you just walked across the parking lot in front of everyone in your boxers!
ME:        Silver, pop just wants to sit here quietly for a few minutes. I will take you out soon, okay?
SILVER: Fine. (Pause) I wonder if that old lady across the way stopped laughing yet?
ME:        Don’t know, buddy. Don’t know.